Monday, April 18, 2011

Stormy weekend, but not in Claire's world!

Our state, and especially the area we live in, had a rough weekend.  Tornadoes ripped through many areas leaving them devastated.  We were so blessed that we did not experience any of the tornadoes although they hit only miles away from our house.  Two storms basically went on either side of Rhems.  We already had our safety plan in mind and would have ran to the closet in our bedroom and covered Claire with her car seat to act as a protective shell.  But thank God we didn't have to see if it worked!

Claire was in "Claire's World" this weekend.  We went on strolls down the dirt driveway at our house, took naps outside, took Fuzz (our dog) for a walk, rocked in the swing, and just played and ate.  It was a nice weekend around our house.  Here are some pictures to prove it!  :)

"Happy 1st Anniversary Aunt Julie and Uncle James!!!" 

Wore my cat outfit especially for Aunt Julie and Uncle James' anniversary. 

Waving my magic wand!!!!  Got this from the goodie bag from Isabella's first birthday party (although we were unable to attend).

This lamb was the same size as Claire when she was born.  She now weighs 13 lbs 1.5 oz (10 lbs more than when she was first born!). 

In the stroller taking Fuzz for a walk.

Napping outside!  She LOVES it!

Rose bushes Trent planted for Claire when we found out she was a girl and her middle name was Rose.  Melts my heart!

Beautiful blooms just like our Claire Rose.


The Scott Family


  1. Claire is beautiful and is so alert! Congratulations on a job extremely well done :)

  2. Aww! That was so sweet of Trent. to plant Claire "Rose" bushes. He's a good daddy!!!
