Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tea Party

Claire has had a good weekend.  She got to spend it with Granny and Aunt Amanda while Mommy and Daddy were at a Young Farmer and Rancher Conference.  They could hardly wait to get home to see Claire!

The doctor switched Claire's formula on Friday to a more broken down formula, so we are hoping this will help her.  She is still smiling a lot and it's so sweet!  She has even begun to grow out of a FEW of her newborn outfits, but not many.  But it's progress!

Her incision is healing nicely from her liver surgery.  We also go back to the pediatrician this week for her 4 month check up and shots.

Granny Mary made Claire a beautiful tea set as you see below.  We cannot wait to use it! 

I also broke out my nice camera today.  Some of you know how much I love pictures and photography.  But through this whole thing, I have not hardly taken any pictures with my nice camera.  It's just too big to carry around at the hospital and when at home, I just forget.  So I saw some beautiful sleeping shots today and took a few of our princess!

We have heard that Eliza may go to "camp" this week.  Claire took her trip to the zoo, and Eliza decided she wants to go to camp.  So we are praying that camp opens this week just for Eliza!


The Scott Family

incision from liver surgery

Claire's tea set

Sleeping Beauty


1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful tea set & something that she will always cherish. Claire sure has a talented Granny!! She is definitely growing & looking prettier every day. I hope life at the zoo has been going good : )
